Programming in Two Styles: An Insightful Look at OOP and Functional Programming to Help You Choose the Right Path

As a software engineer, you have likely encountered several different programming paradigms and styles, each with its benefits and drawbacks. One common question that engineers and software engineers often face is whether to use Functional Programming or object-oriented programming (OOP) when designing and building software systems. This article will explore the key differences between these two approaches, outline their respective advantages and drawbacks, and guide you in deciding which one is best suited for your needs.


First, let’s discuss these two approaches.

Functional Programming is a programming paradigm that is based on the idea of treating computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions or in simple words everything is organized around functions. In Functional Programming, data is immutable, meaning it cannot be changed once created. It can make functional code easier to review and debug, as there are fewer variables and side effects.

Object-oriented programming, on the other hand, is a programming paradigm based on organizing code into “objects” that represent real-world entities and their characteristics and behaviors. In OOP, objects are created from templates called “classes,” which define their attributes (data) and methods (behaviors). OOP is based on the encapsulation principle, meaning that each object hides its internal state and exposes a well-defined interface for interacting with it.


Now that we have discussed these two approaches let’s consider their advantages and drawbacks.

One advantage of Functional Programming is that it can make writing easy to review code and debug due to the immutability of data and the lack of side effects. Additionally, functional code can often be more concise and expressive than OOP code, as it allows engineers to chain functions together in a way that is not always possible with objects. I provide an example, later on, to see this characteristic of Functional Programming compared to OOP.

On the other hand, one of the main drawbacks of Functional Programming is that it can be more challenging to design and implement complex real-world systems using this approach. It is because Functional Programming provides a lower level of encapsulation and modularity than OOP, making it harder to manage the interactions and dependencies between different system parts. Additionally, functional code can be more difficult for engineers unfamiliar with this paradigm to understand and maintain. Another drawback would be space; due to the immutability of data. Functional Programming usually needs more space for storage.

Object-oriented programming, on the other hand, provides a more modular and encapsulated way of organizing code, making it easier to manage complex systems. OOP is also more familiar and intuitive to many engineers, as it closely mirrors how people think about and interact with real-world entities.

However, one of the main drawbacks of OOP is that it can lead to code that is more verbose and less expressive than functional code due to the need to create and manage objects and classes. You will see this in the later example too. Additionally, OOP code can be more challenging to debug and maintain due to the potential for side effects and the need to manage object states carefully.


let’s look at some history:

Object-oriented programming is way more widespread and used than Functional Programming. You may think it’s because OOP is older than Functional Programming, but I have to jump in the middle of your thought and tell you, “NO, Functional Programming is OLDER.”

John McCarthy developed the first high-level Functional Programming language, LISP, in the late 1950s for the IBM 700/7000 series of scientific computers while at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

On the other hand, “Object-Oriented Programming” (OOP) was coined by Alan Kay circa 1966 or 1967 while he was at grad school. Ivan Sutherland’s seminal Sketchpad application was an early inspiration for OOP.

As you see, that’s almost 15 years apart!!!

Besides lisp, we can name Erlang and Haskell as two other programming languages built around the Functional Programming paradigm. We can also point out Java, C#, C++, and rust as the most famous programming languages that follow Object Oriented Programming paradigm.


So, why OOP is so widespread?

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is more widely used than Functional Programming for a few reasons.

One reason is that OOP is often seen as more familiar and intuitive to many programmers, especially those with a traditional, procedural programming background. OOP’s use of objects, classes, and inheritance allows for a clear separation of concerns and a natural way to organize and structure code.

Another reason is that OOP is often better suited to modeling real-world systems and problems, which tend to be complex and dynamic. OOP’s use of encapsulation and polymorphism allows for flexible and extensible code, making it well-suited for large and evolving projects.

Furthermore, OOP is supported heavily by many popular programming languages, and the majority of libraries, frameworks, and tools are built with OOP concepts in mind, which makes it a more practical choice for many engineers.


Let’s see an example of a straightforward program in both Functional and Object-Oriented styles:

This program is written in a functional programming style in Scala language that calculates a circle’s area and circumference by receiving its radius. It uses two expressions (area & circumference) to calculate the circle area and its circumference and does not modify any external state or have any side effects & as you can see compared to its OOP form it’s very expressive.

This program is a simple example of an object-oriented program that defines a Circle class with a constructor method and two instance methods (area & circumference). The Circle class represents a Circle with a radius, the area method calculates the Circle’s area, and the circumference method calculates Circle’s circumference. To use the Circle class, we create an instance (c) and call the area and circumference methods to calculate the area and circumference of the Circle “c”.

As you can see and I mentioned before, OOP is far more verbose looking than FP in this example, and you can see the level of encapsulation yourself!


So, which one?

The truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The best approach for your needs will depend on your project’s specific requirements and your development team’s preferences and skills.

Considering that, it is generally a good idea to be familiar with functional and object-oriented programming and other programming paradigms. It will give you a more comprehensive range of tools and techniques to choose from when designing and building software systems.

I know you may be disappointed and upset by my answer, but this is true. You have to pick the right solution for your problem. It has always been this way. But here can be a good rule of thumb and conclusion on choosing between FB and OOP Paradigms:

Functional and object-oriented programming are two powerful and widely-used programming paradigms, each with its benefits and drawbacks. While Functional Programming can make it easier to write concise and expressive code that is easy to reason about and debug, it can be more challenging to design and implement complex systems using this approach.

Object-oriented programming, on the other hand, provides a more modular and encapsulated way of organizing code, making it easier to manage complex systems. However, OOP code can be more verbose and less expressive than functional code. It can be more challenging to debug and maintain due to the potential for side effects and the need to manage the object state carefully.

Functional Programming is gaining popularity lately due to the rise of big data and cloud-based systems; Functional Programming is well-suited for concurrent and parallel processing, as well as for functional data pipelines, scientific computing, machine learning, and other related tasks. However, OOP remains the more commonly used in many industry and enterprise development projects and is still the more common choice for GUI development, video games, simulation, complex software, modeling, education, and learning.

For a great software engineer, it is crucial to have a deep understanding of both functional and object-oriented programming and other programming paradigms to choose the best approach for your needs. By staying up to date with the latest trends and technologies in the field and continuously improving your skills and knowledge, you can ensure that you have the tools and expertise you need to build high-quality software systems that meet the needs of your users.

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